
Below are some tips and strategies to help you manage your time better. 我们希望能有所帮助!


要想成为一个高效的学习者,时间管理是最重要的技能. 例如, 如果没有良好的时间管理(可能没有设置闹钟),你可能无法按时上课,因此你不能做完整的笔记,以便与上一堂课的笔记建立联系,这样你就可以学习你需要的材料,以便参加全面的考试. 没有时间管理,你可能没有足够的时间来有效地阅读章节, 审查, 与学习小组会面, 与教授会面, do appropriate research which may mean you rush which may result in plagiarism! 制定一个符合你个人需求和个性的时间表是很重要的. 为了这样做, you must understand where you learn best (environment), how you study best (one hour/ 1.5小时的课程, early morning or late afternoon, well lit room or natural light), and how much time it takes to complete tasks (reading rate, 论文结构...).

A schedule is essentially a person's process for studying. 就像你做其他日常活动的过程一样,比如早上做准备, 你怎么穿鞋, 你的驾驶过程, dealing with stress you should develop a process for how you study. A consistent process becomes a habit. 我们是有习惯的生物. The more you keep to your process the more habit forming it becomes so that you won't even think about it any more; it will be part of your everyday life.


You need to manage time as well as use it effectively. 为了这样做 you must understand your own time pattern, your high and low energy times, 谁占用了你的时间, and if you give yourself enough time to complete tasks. Therefore, we are going to begin by discussing the plan/actual time planner. 这个计划表与大多数计划表不同,因为它既给了你一个“计划”在这一小时内做什么,又给了你一个区域来显示你是否在完成任务,或者你是如何“实际”利用时间的.

There are seven days a week = 24 hours a day = 168 hours a week

  • 在一周开始的时候给自己20分钟的时间来填写整周的日程表.

  • Add all things that are fixed onto the schedule- time of class, 工作安排, 你总是吃的时候, 睡眠, 淋浴, 与学习小组会面 or club meetings, 运动实践, 拜访家人, friends and things you do consistently each day/week.

  • 确保你计划好锻炼时间——保持健康对你和工作效率都很重要.

  • 给 yourself time off Friday and Saturday evenings. Write down TV shows you consistently view.

  • Block out the remaining hours for homework and study time. 根据你集中注意力的能力,把学习时间分成一小时、两小时或三小时. For longer blocks include breaks. Assess the # of hours you blocked out. 你是否制定了一个时间表,让你在课堂上每小时至少学习两个小时? 如果不是,重新评估.

  • Color code (with highlighters) Make it visual - Make it yours!

Now, for the entire week keep track of your "planned tasks". If you accomplished your tasks then put a check mark in the "actual box". If you did something else, write what you did in the "actual box". 在一周结束的时候,看看你和原来的计划有多少变化. 根据新信息制定下周的计划,必要时进行修改.

From this plan you can also gather other pertinent information:

  • Do you see times where you obviously procrastinate?
  • Who do you allow to interfere with your plans?
  • Do you have "hidden time" that you aren't using?
  • 你给了自己多少时间来学习“新”知识(阅读章节,做家庭作业)...)?
  • How many hours did you give yourself to study (审查, recite,...)?
  • Did you use your high energy times efficiently?

Use this plan for at least two weeks so that you can see consistent patterns. 从这个计划中,每个学生都可以制定出最符合自己风格的个性化时间表.


一旦你掌握了你的每周计划,你就可以转换成一个没有实际列的计划. 这个时间表可以帮助你准备那些不在你日程安排之内的任务. 当新的需求出现时,你可以毫不焦虑地调整你的日程安排,因为你知道你的日程安排和额外时间的可用性.


  • 利用隐藏时间:这是你在医生办公室等待预约的时间(15分钟)。, standing in the grocery line, 等待上课, the half hour between classes...

  • Pull out your index cards and go through them two or three times.

  • Close your eyes and visualize your math problems, an economics graph - see how the problem or graph develops step by step.

  • 拿出一张纸,写下几个心理学术语,然后写下它们的定义和一两个例子.

  • Make your next day's to-do-list.

  • Remember the key is to balance your time so give yourself time off. 为自己安排时间——把它作为完成一天任务的奖励.

  • 知道你可以委派什么. 例如,创建学习小组,并将章节分开,让每个成员来概述.

  • Study difficult subjects first. 这些科目通常需要消耗最多的精力,所以在你精力充沛的时候学习它们是有意义的,这样可以有效地利用时间.

  • Don't schedule marathon sessions. 确保你把学习时间安排在能有效利用时间和精力的块上. 如果你有持续的精力,那么设定两个小时的学习时间,然后休息半个小时. 如果一个小时后你的精力就会下降,那就设定一个小时的学习时间,中间休息十分钟.

  • Make sure your breaks are not longer than your study time!

  • 许多大学生制定了一个两天或三天的课程计划,认为他们将有隔天学习. This is only true in theory. Because there is so much time, time is often wasted. Make sure your schedule stays consistent with the days you attend class. 在同一时间起床, study in the mornings (just like going to class), 按时吃饭, 锻炼. 无论你做什么——不要安排上课日和学习日——有效的学习是一项日常活动!

  • Always have water with you when you study. It is essential to keep hydrated so you stay alert.



  • This schedule is very specific and task oriented. Specific hour(s), task, location are stated.
  • 它应该写在索引卡上,或者你可以创建你自己的待办事项列表(为了更容易输入),但它应该足够小,可以很容易地放入你的口袋或钱包.
  • Create the list each evening before you go to bed. Do not create it in the morning when you are rushed - you may forget something.
  • 参考你的每周和长期计划,以提醒你有更大的项目要完成. 问问你自己,明天是不是应该开始某项长期计划的一天.
  • Make sure that you create a realistic schedule. 安排休息,锻炼... Make sure you set study times during your highest energy times.


6:00-7:00 Get up, 淋浴, pack backpack
7:15-7:45 吃早餐
8:00-9:00 经济学课程
9:10-10:10 研讨会20
10:15-12:00 图书馆
  • Review economic notes from class, fill in as necessary using text (30 minutes).
  • Start SQ3R reading process for chapter 2 psychology class
  • 调查章节(15分钟)
  • 问题(10分钟)
  • 读一章. 阅读每一部分,划线,在空白处提问,背诵每一部分的内容
12:15-1:15 与朋友共进午餐
1:30-3:00 图书馆
  • Free write ideas for seminar paper
  • 发展论文
  • Reread as necessary to find support for thesis
3:15-5:00 锻炼
5:15-6:15 吃晚餐,放松
6:30-7:15 打电话给妈妈
Talk with friend about weekend plans


1. 7:30-7:50 Read second chapter 2 psychology (same process - 50 minutes)



2. 8:00-9:00经济学辅导课-为明天的考试复习两章



3. 9:15-10:30 Take seminar paper ideas and create outline supporting thesis
Find quotes to support outline

10:45-11:00 Make to do list for tomorrow


This schedule is used to see the "Big Picture". 它显示了所有的考试日期, 论文截止日期, 项目截止日期, 假期, 体育比赛日期, 社会功能... 它会指导你整个学期,这样你就可以提前知道你需要对特定的每周和/或每天的时间表做出调整. 它可以让你把大项目分解成小任务,分散在一两个星期内,更有效地利用精力,这样项目就不会变得不堪重负.

For best results, be creative. 例如,用颜色编码使视觉效果更好,并尝试用红色来强调最后期限.

每天晚上看一下这个时间表,提醒你即将发生的事件或任务,以便及时采取适当的行动. 例如, 如果距离毕业舞会还有一个月,那么你可能需要在接下来的一周内留出时间来租一件燕尾服或买一条裙子, 预订晚餐, 租一辆豪华轿车...


Bishop, Joyce, Carter, Carol, Kravits, Sarah Lyman. 成功的关键/为大学、事业和生活建立成功的智力. (5日艾德.),培生教育有限公司., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
Bishop, Joyce, Carter, Carol, Kravits, Sarah Lyman. Keys To Effective Learning/Developing Powerful Habits of Mind. (第四版.),培生教育有限公司., Upper Saddle River, NewJersey
克劳福德,6月. A College Study Skills Manual: Ten Tips for Academic Success剑桥斯特拉福德有限公司
De Sellers, Dochen, Carol, Hodges, Russ. 学术转型 (第1版.),培生教育有限公司., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
大卫·埃利斯. 成为硕士生. 艾德(11日.),霍顿米夫林公司. 波士顿,纽约
约翰·加德纳.珠宝商,A. 杰罗姆. Your College Experience/ Strategies For Success (第1版.), Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, California
Pauk,沃尔特. 如何在大学学习. (第二版.),霍顿米夫林公司. 波士顿,纽约
Smith, Laurence, Walter, Timothy. The Mountain is High Unless You Take The Elevator (第1版.), Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, California


Collin Pugh, Coordinator for the Tutorial & 学术技能中心

TASC中心: De La Salle 110
电话: (925) 631-4869
小时: 按照约定